A big chunk of the Chinese GDP is about to evaporate and the economic loss along with demographic changes has implications for the ability of the CCP to control an angry Chinese people. Now their population is declining and the need for new homes is vanishing. But now China is over built with something on the order of 40-50 million housing units sitting there brand new and unoccupied. 30% of the Chinese GDP comes from the construction industry, which became wealthy building apartments and condos for a rapidly rising Chinese population. The CCP is probably the least capable form of government to deal with these problems successfully. China faces daunting problems in the very near future as its population declines sharply, the proportion of the population too old to work rises, major Chinese cities are slowly swamped by rising sea levels while rivers decline as the glaciers that feed them disappear. While they look so strong, they are rigid and brittle.

The citizens are not battle tested just book tested!. China would be a cake walk if the Americans were to invade China, what are the people gonna do with no access to gun ownership, no guns to protect themselves. I can only imagine the crap breaking apart!! On another note China can never invade the US they will never win an urban warfare, we read about it everyday of how many Americans have guns. I hope that clump of metal planes they make can with stand the tight and heavy g-loads and g-turn. I don't care how many planes the CCP have they can't hit what they can't see. As I have said before the crap they make does not work, yes the planes may fly but lets see how they perform in battle in a dog fight. I do agree with you that there would not be a war, China is no fool its a war they DO NOT WANT! I guess the pilot from the CCP watched Tom Cruise and went on a wild plane ride. Senator Duckworth is there on a three day trip. This is all for the US delegation that is visiting Taiwan which the article doesn’t mention. What lies are you reading coming from the Biden administration? Where are you getting your news from the CCP.Īnd so it begins, Japan it is imperative that you start preparing accordingly and do not believe any of the lies the Biden administration is feeding won’t be war.